Friday, March 31, 2023

What is gematria effect

gematria is a system of assigning numerical values to words, based on the numerical equivalence of letters in various ancient and modern alphabets. The practice dates back to at least the 6th century BCE and has been applied in various languages, including Hebrew, Greek, Latin and English. In its simplest form, each letter in an alphabet is assigned a specific numerical value, like A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on. When two words have the same numerical value - for example the word "Israel" (רישל) adds up to 347 and "Jehovah" (יהוה) adds up to 347 as well - they are said to be related through gematria.

The Gematria Effect is a phenomenon that occurs when events associated with similar numbers occur unexpectedly after one another. For example, a popular example of this effect involves the number 11: Within 24 hours of December 1st 1995 – when Microsoft introduced their operating system Windows 95 – NASA launched it's spacecraft Galileo into space. This coincidence caused quite a stir among those interested in numerology and became known as the Gematria Effect.

Proponents of this phenomenon believe that certain numbers can have powerful energetic effects when connected with certain events or ideas; that these effects can be positive or negative; and that understanding gematria can often yield clues about upcoming events or problems which need solving.

However, skeptics are quick to point out that correlations between numbers and events is not necessarily meaningful; that patterns which seem significant from one perspective may not make any sense from another; and that many examples can be explained away as simple coincidences or misinterpretations of patterns found within larger contexts.

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